The short answer is yes.
You can donate plasma while breastfeeding! And many moms choose to do so because it’s a great way to help others while also making some extra money. There is no evidence that donating plasma while breastfeeding has any negative effect on either breastfeeding mothers or their children.
Donating plasma is fairly common, but it’s a little more complicated than donating blood. If you’re thinking of doing this for the first time, you might be uncertain what to expect. This is especially important as a breastfeeding mama. You likely have questions about the process and you need to be sure that it is safe for both you and your baby. This post will answer those questions and help you make an informed decision about whether becoming a plasma donor is right for you.
Again, if you’re interested in donating plasma while breastfeeding it’s probably safe to do so. But, there are a few things to keep in mind. First of all, it’s important to make sure that you’re healthy and well-nourished before donating plasma. This means eating a balanced diet and drinking plenty of fluids. It is also important to wait until your baby is at least 6 months old before becoming a plasma donor. This ensures that your body has enough time to recover after childbirth and has adjusted to breastfeeding.
What is plasma?
Plasma is the liquid part of your blood that contains proteins, electrolytes, and other substances. It makes up more than half (about 55%) of your blood. Plasma is used to treat many long-lasting diseases. For example, people with clotting or bleeding disorders may need scheduled plasma transfusions. Plasma is also used for emergency medical treatments like for burn victims, or for people who have contracted rabies. Plasma is also used in transfusions for dialysis patients or organ donation recipients. While you can’t control how your plasma will be used, know that it has the potential to save lives.
Why you might consider donating plasma
There are a few reasons you might consider donating plasma even while breastfeeding. First of all, it’s a great way to help others in need. Plasma is used to treat a variety of conditions, many of which are life-threatening. So, very simply, donating plasma could potentially save someone’s life! You could also make a bit of money from donating plasma. Many centers pay between $25 and $50 per donation, which takes about an hour to complete. So, if you donate twice a week, you could potentially earn $100 or more per week! This could be a great way to supplement your income while you’re at home with your baby.
When you should not consider donating plasma
Can you donate plasma while breastfeeding? Yes. Should you? Well, it depends. While generally safe, there are a few times when you should not donate plasma while breastfeeding. If you’re feeling sick or have any symptoms of illness, it’s best to wait until you recover before donating. You should also not donate if you’ve recently had surgery or been pregnant. Additionally, if you take medication for a chronic condition, you may not be eligible to donate. Be sure to check with the plasma donation center before making an appointment.
What to expect when donating plasma
If you’ve never donated plasma before, you might be wondering what the process is like. Well, the first step is to make an appointment at a local donation center. There are hundreds of organizations operating donation centers across the United States and Canada. A quick google search will help you find donation centers near you. When you arrive, you’ll need to provide some identification and complete a brief medical history. A staff member will then check your temperature, blood pressure, and pulse.
The screening process is important because it protects people who are receiving the donations. Many of these individuals already have underlying medical problems. The screening also ensures that the plasma donor is in good enough health so that they can handle the side effects of the plasma donation. Once you are screened and the attendants confirm everything is fine, you may be asked to sit in a reclining chair and given a needle in each arm. One needle will be used to draw your blood and the other will be used to return the remaining blood cells and blood components to your body.
Donating plasma happens in three stages
· blood is drawn from your arm
· the components of the blood are separated, and the plasma is put in a separate bag
· the remaining blood components are put back into your arm.
The entire process will take about an hour. This includes registration, screening, plasma collection and refreshments.
What to eat if you plan to donate plasma while breastfeeding
A healthy diet is always a great idea for a breastfeeding mama, and it is extra important in the days leading up to your donation. You should still eat foods that help your body make milk. But a healthy, balanced meal before donating helps to ensure that you have enough energy. This will help prevent dizziness or fainting. It’s best to eat foods that are high in protein, high in iron and low in fat. Drink plenty of water too – 6 to 8 cups – the day before and the day you donate. Caffeine and alcohol are a no.
Do Eat
· Grilled chicken or fish
· Tofu
· Legumes
· Nuts, seeds and whole grains
· Broccoli and dark leafy greens
· Watermelon

Don’t Eat
· French fries and other fried foods
· Sweets
· Pizza
What are the side effects of donating plasma?
The most common side effects of donating plasma are bruising, soreness, or aching at the needle site. You may also feel dizzy, lightheaded, or have a headache after donating. These side effects usually go away quickly. If you have any serious side effects, such as fainting or shortness of breath, call your doctor right away.
Can I breastfeed right after I donate plasma?
Yes, you can breastfeed immediately after donating plasma. In fact, breastfeeding helps your body replace the plasma you donated. You may have some bruising and soreness around your breasts for a day or two after donating. If you have any serious side effects, such as engorged breasts or pain that does not go away, call your doctor.
What are the risks if you choose to donate plasma while breastfeeding?
There are very few risks associated with donating plasma while breastfeeding. But you should always tell the staff at the plasma center if you are breastfeeding. This is because some medications used during the donation process can pass into your breastmilk. If you have any concerns, talk to your doctor before donating.
So, can you donate plasma while breastfeeding? Yes, you certainly can. It is a great way to help others while also getting some extra money. But, it’s important to make sure that you are healthy enough to donate, and that you understand what you need to do throughout the process. If you are considering donating, be sure to talk to your doctor first. They can help you decide if donating is right for you. Be sure to eat a good meal and drink plenty of fluids before donating, and plan on taking it easy for the rest of the day.